Wednesday, 25 July 2012
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Sunday, 8 July 2012

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Friday, 6 July 2012


Asslam o alaikum  dear friends today Anna dangerious rournament is  at green town harappa city

with some special guests.Dear CH Asif was won the match at thursday 5-6-2012 with lettle Childern Inshallah M.Asif win the match(Abbas Naeem0

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Inshallah i shall give u every day report Anna dangerious at our web ( today Anna playing at  Green town 2nd match.

I belive that Inshallah this  tournament is shall be 1st tournament of proud of  all population of Harappa today match timin was 8 am to 8th pm.
Anna Dangerious playing oyr 1st tournament  at gunj shakar town harappa city Dist  sahiwal and 
Inshallah Anna shall be win the math and Inshallah pre final start at 6 july 2012 with  Pakistan tehreek e insaf cricket club at green town ad final will be playing at 8th july with special guest Roy Hasan Nawaz khan Sahib and Mahar hasan Fareed Dadra  

Zahrat al rawdha trading and press sultnat of oman


Abbas Naeem